I unexpectedly came by two tickets for Sunday at Wembley (the Travis edition!), thanks to my daughter and her friends’ tireless efforts to keep trying to make the waitlist work for them. I have not been a particular Swift fan, but what a show! THREE HOURS! And I only paid £60 per ticket! I can’t fault the woman’s work ethic, or the value offered.

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You are the envy of about half the world right now. Incredible, incredible show - honestly it felt like a privilege to be part of it.

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Indeed, the Tories richly deserve a defeat! Fingers crossed that it’s a crushing one?

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Yes, Rob makes a good argument. I still think it's bad for democracy to have a stunted opposition... but the Tories are so rubbish, cutting them down to a stump can hardly make them worse. And maybe like a well pruned rose they'll come back healthier?

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“As narrator of the song, she positions herself in two moments simultaneously: the now in which she expects the pain of separation, and a post-separation future in which her ex continues to think about her. It's poignant, because their separate futures are immanent in their uncertain present. It's also controlling, because Swift is crafting herself as a narrative, and ensuring that even though the relationship won't last, her version of it will endure — both in her soon-to-be-ex's memory, and, implicitly, in this song.”


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I had to look this up! I can't believe you know more about astrology than me, you girl!

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Opportunity to annoy a very particular type capital A atheist men?


Plus an endlessly self referential set of systems that you can make say WHATEVER you want if you master it correctly? Basically Warhammer 40K++ but with wider social applications? YES PLEASE

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