Lawrence is undoubtedly far more interesting musically and psychologically, yet I still get more joy from John Otway’s wholehearted embracing of his failure. Not quite the Eddie the Eagle of British pop-rock - Really Free is a genuinely great song - he has shamelessly exploited his underdog status, supported by a large group of perversely loyal fans (who go on holiday with him). His Wiki page is well worth reading. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Otway

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This is great. Stumbling across a chapel in Belgravia that had been turned into a shrine built around Lawrence's marble bust was a really amazing moment for me. I've seen profiles of him that paint him as some kind of Kenneth Williams character - eccentric and at odds with the world, a bit sad and angry and very alone. But unlike Williams he has absolutely refused to do what is expected of him and instead scratched a living doing what he likes.

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